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Name: Batblood; for his black fur and good senses ; for his fighting skills (he was made a warrior right after his first battle)
Previously: Bigkit, Batpaw
Gender: Male - He/Him - AMAB
Sexuality: He currently identifies as heterosexual but has never actually been attracted to anyone
Age: 19 moons : made an apprentice at 6, warrior at 8, keeper at 13
Clan and rank: Thunderclan Keeper
Body Type: Batblood wasn't born too much above average size, and his body type falls more on lean and slender rather than big and bulky, with long and sturdy limbs and a long and sleek tail, but he has also built up quite a bit of muscle during his upbringing, not to the point of looking overly buff, but they do show through his fur. His ears are rather long and pointed, with small tufts at the tips.
Fur Type: Mainly sleek and a bit glossy. You wouldn't be able to say it's soft if you touched it, and it can actually feel a bit rough if you drag your hand over it in the wrong direction. His pelt is very thick and dense, which is why he prefers to stay in the shadows in the warmer part of the year. He also likes to keep it well-groomed as not to let say rainwater seep in quite as easily, plus it helps him look more healthy.
Fur Coloring: If you had to assign him a breed based on the color and markings of his fur, he would be a black Bengal. Batblood is in fact a mix of a few different breeds, but his fur is dark, basically black looking, with dynamic splotches and spots over his backside. At his belly and muzzle the black color shifts into a lighter grey color with a hint of brown.
Eye Details/Coloring: Usually his eyes have a light yellow, occasionally amber coloring, but it happens that they in ceratin lighting can appear more yellowish-green with specks of a golden hue.
Other details: His ears have small tufts on their tips.
Positive traits:
Observant - Loyal - Competent
Neutral traits:
Stubborn - Not afraid to go against the flow - Sarcatis - Stoick
Negative traits:
Closed off - Callous - Distrustful
Observant is almost always the first word one would describe Batblood with. When he was younger her used to like to sit back and simply watch the events unfold before him, which could make him appear very passive during lesser conflicts, and he still doesn't care much for drama, or the personal bickers of others, thinking everyone should just mind their own, and trying to get involved in stuff that ain't yours is very disrespectful against the others, it makes you look like you think you know better how to fix their personal problems than them themselves. But he is also a Keeper now and realizes the responsibility he has in his clan, and is more likely than before to step in since he sees it as his duty. But even when he doesn't act, it's in his mind where the work happens. Batblood was always taught to think well about his options and plans before he acted, and never jump in headfirst
But while he won't lunge in right away, this doesn't means he won't speak on issues, and has more than once stepped forward at a meeting to express his opinions over things. He isn't afraid to go against the flow of his clanmates and speak up about things when he notices them. Already when he was an apprentice he openly criticized the higher ranks' decisions, and point out things he believed were wrong.
He watches what others do, evaluates their actions or thoughts, before forming his own, and acting himself. This also makes him a very good listener, and he will always take note when another cat speaks, no matter the level of respect he has for them, he believes one should always take whatever advice or criticism others have to heart and use it to improve. Even if the criticism can seem more meant to be mean, rather then be constructive, it's still a flaw they noticed in you, and flaws are always worth trying to fix. This can also lead to him only seeing many cats for what they could be worth to him over anything else, and for most, it takes some kind of showcasing of strength - mental or physical - to earn his true respect.
But he is always mannered and calm, and doesn't see the point of being rude out loud for the sake of it, considering things like bad-mouthing others without it being constructive criticism pointless, and in-anger outspitten insults as a lack of proper self-control and ability to think about the consequences of one's actions, both things he otherwise values highly. He believes everyone should always act as in control and calm as he is, and not doing so is the quickest way to get his disfavor. He especially dislikes cats who don't care about themselves, their image, and their future. It's a sign of careless disregard for everything except the pleasure of the moment that makes him frown upon others. So as you might see, he has certain rules, values and morals for himself. Lying, losing control of oneself, betraying the clan without having the good of the whole at heart, and insulting others without any reason behind the words as things one should avoid.
He is fearless, and even that can be an understatement. He is perfectly able to feel fear, but believes strongly in that fear is to warn you to act, not make you freeze up. If an owl came swooping down, it's the quick thinker who expects the owl eventually, who will act and evade the attack, the one who freezes up in fear will succumb to the talons of the bird. He uses his fear as an alarm bell, that reminds him to always have a plan just in case. If you're prepared, you will survive, and he sees no point in waiting around once a plan is made. If he has an opponent in front of him, he will attack.
As an all-around competent cat, Batblood is used to performing well, and he always thinks logically. He does have feelings, but often they are very toned down compared to others. He has high expectations on himself and takes it everyone around him should do the same for themselves, therefore he can be quite hard to please. In his youth, he could be quite competitive, and he still is to a degree, not enjoying being outperformed in public at all if the cat who does it is on his level age, and training-wise. This causes him to often train for himself, striving to improve himself in every area. While fighting and hunting are his main fields like most cats, he also excels in stalking and stealth, climbing, along with endurance. This can be quite the combo if played right. He can make up and detailed plan, and stalk up on his prey effortlessly and most likely without them even suspecting anything, he can follow them for a long time, even following them up in trees sometimes, and once he has them down, he can leap far and hit hard to kill them.
But he has a streak of ambition to him. It's not very strong, he has no desire to lead anyone anywhere. No, his ambition is directed towards bettering himself, making himself the best he can ever be, and making sure few can truly say they are better than him at many things. He isn't blind to others' skills and often uses their knowledge to make himself better. He isn't as self-absorbed as to think he is the best cat ever at everything, learning from others is important. This strive to become stronger and better has taken him very far in life, and due to his hard work he was promoted to a warrior at the age of 8, and later on, when the new rank of Keeper was introduced he was the youngest one promoted at only 13 moons and was the youngest Keeper for a very long time.
He finds it rather amusing to watch something like debates, as long as they do not escalate into fighting (or something else he as a Keeper would have the duty to intercept), but greatly dislikes hypocrisy, and will likely lose a great deal of any potential respect for a cat who he sees that trait in. Because of that, he will also strive to always place the same expectations on others as he does on himself, and only criticize their skills of them if he could outdo them.
Presentation is very important to him. He is constantly aware of his expressions and body language, even if it doesn't look like it. He is very good at knowing exactly what act to play in order to get what he wants. He is very careful about how others will perceive him, not going out of his way to try and impress anyone, simply putting on the right play depending on the cats he is around. He wants others to know he is healthy and strong, so he keeps his pelt sleek a well-groomed, and trains a little extra on muscles that show more clearly through his fur. He isn't insecure or looking for attention, but he wants to be able to control what others think of him since it gives him more control over them as a whole.
While still rather young, Batblood had grown quite a bit in his life and had matured into an exceptional warrior, and soon a Keeper as well. And with time he has gained experience, especially when it comes to interacting with others, and he has grown quite good at reading other cats. Body language, tone of voice, facial expression, and even the smallest twitch of an ear are things he will pick up on and quickly interpret and read. It can be hard to trick him or lie to him, both because of his attentiveness and skill of reading others, but also because of his tendency to distrust others.
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