Name: Jay - a name he picked himself since he liked birds and wanted a new idenetey

Prince - Former, Kittypet name

Gender: Agender (AMAB) - Any pronouns (mainly they/it/he) but doesn't like gendered words like 'boy' or 'daughter'

Sexuality: Undecided and he doesn't care

Age: 15 moons

Clan and rank: Outsider 



Positive traits:  

Observant - Curious

Neutral traits: 

Expirimental - Quiet - Blunt - Expressionless - Loner

Negative traits: 

Wreckless - Cowardly


young but experienced
quiet but observant
reserved but curious
and with a burning passion to learn things.

Generally a quiet cat, but not timid or shy, he just keeps to himself a lot. Usually, you can find him working on his own little projects, and he doesn't like to have too many cats around. But there is a big exception to this; he is extremely curious about certain topics (will likely have something with plants to do), and as soon that comes up, its as if he is transformed. Suddenly super active he tends to moved quickly around places, muttering and talking to himself about things, but still rather unawere of the world around him. 

When he does speak, he speaks very fast, and doesn't really put much effort into thinking how others will feel, and can come of as blunt.


He can certainly be a bit strange by some standards (all the best ones are), with his rather expressionless and emotionless face, distant and almost aloof nature, and unusual interests. He tends to keep to himself and has only ever been close to one cat, so he spends most of his time diving into his interests.

Speaking of which, let's talk a bit about them. Jay used to be most fascinated by birds after watching them hop around on the branches outside his window, or hearing their fine voices sing. Something about the elegant little warblers seemed to entice him. He was sometimes told that birds were prey, something to be hunted and eaten, but it took a good while until he dared hunt them himself.

His second interest sparked a lot later, and he didn't seem born with it like he was with his love of birds, he even named himself after the feathery things but is undoubtedly a lot stronger. When he met the cat he would come to regard as a mother of sorts, Kirei, he quickly became intrigued but the plants she was learning about. At first, it was just looking at the plants and studying them in nature, but it soon became more than that as Kirei started learning about how to use plants for different things; both healing and harming. She disappeared one day, but Jay continued learning and studying through his own experiments even after that and has already discovered ways to use a few of them.


Appearance:  Scrawny and scruffy blue-furred cat with evening-blue eyes and long legs, tail, fangs, and claws.